Any thoughts on the CD "trimmer"

I have read good feedback on the Audiodesk(I think that's what it's name is)CD trimmer.Supposedly many/most CD's are not round,and this aids in a perfectly round trim,as well as creating a correct edge angle.Does this thing really help sound?

Mlsstl: Everything is "impossible" until someone tries to do it and find out that it is "possible". Have you ever actually tried using the Audio Desk Systeme? Sean
Albert wrote:
>> Missti, ask Krell about how I discovered that overhead halogen lights, shining through the Plexiglas lid of their MD10 CD transport effected the bit stream to the D to A converter. <<

That may be so, Albert, but the fact is that the VAST majority of CD players pull the disc inside the machine's case. So, please explain to me just how "stray" light is getting inside the player?

I'd suggest that all of this theorizing is not helping the original poster. Y'all should read the Audiodesksysteme website to get an accurate idea of what this system does.
A review was published in a British HiFi magazine recently that explains the process also, and the reviewer purchased one.
I have heard discs treated by this system, and it really does work. It does improve the sound, and CDs that sounded nasty/edgy sounded much better after treatment.
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I use the "trimmer" for years and I would not want to miss the effect anymore this short procedure has on sound improvement. As said above: some CDs benefit more than others. And played on my Wadia 270 makes the difference bigger than played on my Sony 557.