Purple Quantum Fuses really?

I’m just getting used to HiFi Tuning Black Supreme fuse for my Aragon 8008BB amp.
You know I talk love in almost every post. There is no corner I am in. I am infinite. I am omnipresent....and so are you. My opinions do not mean much.....nor do yours. What matters is love....plain and simple. Some get it now.....some get it later. You will all get it......for it is what you are. The only thing worth saying is: I love you, you are beautiful, you are worthy, thank you.....OMG, it feels good, YES......yes, to everything. Be Grateful......life is a miracle....every second. 60 trillion cells in your body....dancing in divine love and bliss. Smile.....be a smile millionaire....it’s free!  

What I write is not for anyone in particular......you are all my children....and I am your child.   It is for everyone....we are all connected.  I want my children to prosper.....to grow....to be happy.

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You are my just desert.......you are so yummy.  

How could someone die or get injured by inserting a fuse bypass?  What? they do it while the component is on?   Is this how you change a fuse?  Maybe that is why you are so cranky.....too many shocks?  I thought shock therapy was suppose to make you mellow.  Does not seem to be working, in your case.  Maybe try some of this peace, love and joy thang. 

Do you even know how happy you could be?  Do you any idea just how magnificent you are?  You are incredible.  And you do not have to know anything or pretend to know anything or "be right"  to be incredible.  This is how we see a newborn or our pets.   We see pure love and potential.....we know they are incredible.....but as the ego snaps in with its judgments and make wrongs then we see others as we see ourselves...somehow as flawed.  We are not flawed.  We are pure love and joy and bliss.....always have been.....always will be.  Love yourself as you would love a newborn.  Love everyone that way.  You are the mother of all and everyone is your newborn......born again and again.....every second.  Wow...we are so incredible.....can you feel it?
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I am not asking anyone to do anything. What I suggested is very easy and safe. It is a temporary test. Any child can do it. But I do suggest you love yourself so you will be happy. When you stop belittling others then you will start to be happy. Your sadness is very evident in your postings. I feel for you. You must be very lonely.....no wonder you keep posting here....trying to prove your worth.

We are habitual beings. What we constantly do determines our reality. I more and more get that we need to be told again and again that we are magnificent. You can never get or give enough praise and love. May praising and acknowledging be your new habit.

Bless you.....bless everyone.....we are incredible. We are divine.

Thank you for continuously fighting and trying to be right......every time you reply it gives me another opportunity to praise and acknowledge the truth of our magnificence. I love you....I love you....I love you....you are worthy, you are worthy, you are worthy....you are beautiful, you are beautiful, you are beautiful....thank you for blessing me with your presence.

We are all on a mission.....the human mission is to remember who you are.......remember the love....The earth is a school of love. This is the main lesson for all humanity for all eternity.........Love. We have eternity to learn. We never die. But our ego will fade into the background as we embody the beauty and joy and love of our soul. We learn to live in heaven as we walk on earth. This is our destiny. What a blessed ride.