Horn speakers are really bright?

So I’m trying to understand why so many people think klipsch or horn speakers are bright 

I have two  set up garage and living room both with horn speakers EPIC CF4 garage and and KLF 30 mahogany living room  

I have recorded this songs with my iPhone  listen to them and feel free to tell me what you don’t like about them
 by the way I don’t have any room treatment


garage is my main (MANCAVE) and for some reason they love garage more than living Room but I think is the nature of the beast 
wherever I am they will follow me and leave mom alone 😂😂😂
living Room set up is 7.2 with built in 2 channel lol Parasound Hint6 or P6  works like magic when it comes to two channel  bypass 
I just upload two additional tracks with KLF 30
Alison Krauss: it doesn’t matter 

Dire Straits: Private Investigation 
Lordrootman, much better recording, still we're dealing with cel phone and YouTube. I find the KLF to be too forward in the mid and highs. Extended, not bright, but would cause me listener's fatigue. Maybe could be helped with room treatments.
The garage system sounds more balanced, I like the speakers. 

Lord Rootman --- I am a horn fan and don't understand why they are not more popular in the USA.  I have Viking Acoustic Grande Voix Dual horns that I absolutely love.

Thanks for introducing me to a new artist.  I am curious.  Did you just use your phone to record the music or did you have a separate microphone?  I would like to shoot a you tube video myself.  

I thought for a computer video it sounded great.  I don't buy that horn speakers sound bright or fatiguing.  I find horn speakers to provide more detail than most speakers.  
@willgolf yes I’m using iPhone 12 Pro mas and 13 Pro mas Camera to récord nothing special lol