It's been a while since anyone posted in this thread so I thought an update might be in order. I have a pair of Volti Audio Rival SEs paired with a Linear Tube Audio Z40 integrated amp in the main part of my basement that I absolutely love, but I also have a dedicated listening room that I have been upgrading over the last year. The big decision was whether I wanted another "horn-based" based speaker or wanted a contrast from the Voltis. I seriously thought about keeping it more reasonable with a pair of Harbeth 30.2s but when I had the opportunity to buy the demo pair of Devilles from my local dealer I jumped at the opportunity.
Long story short, as others have said, they are just a wonderfully engaging speaker. They share some similarities with the Voltis but are very much their own thing. I've been playing around and rotating my integrated amp collection through the system starting with a Naim Supernait 3 (meh), my trusty Manley Stingray (a little too bloated and unfocused) and then my LTA Z40 (fabulous). I'll also try the Gold Note IS-1000 that's upstairs over the weekend.
I'm going to borrow some of the other LTA amps to find which one I like best with them and will also try and in-house demo the McGarry SA-1 (with either an LTA or Backert Labs preamp) and maybe the AGD Audion monoblocks (with the same two preamps). I've read what some of you have tried and would love to see any updates on where you are now. I may also try to borrow the :Luxman integrated that was mentioned in this thread.
In my room, these speakers like some toe-in. I started with them straight out into the room (my dealer's recommendation) but things lacked focus, especially when I was playing records. A little three inch move on both speakers and everything just became more immediate, visceral and completely immersive. My bottom line is always "is this engaging" and "do I want to just keep listening". So far, yes to both in spades.