Horn speakers are really bright?

So I’m trying to understand why so many people think klipsch or horn speakers are bright 

I have two  set up garage and living room both with horn speakers EPIC CF4 garage and and KLF 30 mahogany living room  

I have recorded this songs with my iPhone  listen to them and feel free to tell me what you don’t like about them
 by the way I don’t have any room treatment


Well listening to Tri of Triplanars field coil horn system certainly enlightened me to the strengths of horns as have a few other systems I have heard throughout the years. Exposure to these better horn speakers had given me a appreciation of this type.  Low level detail is one of the greatest strengths of horns.

I do feel however that many horn users underpower their speakers and this has nothing to do with volume just some of the intrinsic problems present with SET amps. If I were to go horn I would use OTLs, which are the amps I use on my dynamic speakers currently. 

I have yet to hear a dynamic woofer integrate well with horns. I have only heard horn loaded woofers a few times and this was really special, but this didnt change what I dont like about horns just made the system more cohesive. 
lol 😂 
I don't care if a system is unable to achieve rock concert listening levels; if my system ever sounded as bad a rock concert, it would be gone the next day.

my listen levels never pass 80dB 10 feet away 
especially with two years twins and 6 years boy all over me at any moment 😂😂😂

to me I think the strength of a horn speakers is able to sounds great @  low volume 
I use tone control in the night for low volume listen 

With my two horn set up I have try to switch one to different speakers but I haven’t got any full tower speakers with great dynamics  under 6k that I like

one of the speakers I may interested in future is legacy aeris but I can’t afford it 😂😂😂 
I think $2000.00 is fair for V1s in great condition like that. Mine are version 1 and they are getting very hard to find. I thought that yours might be version 2 lordrootamn because the dust caps on the woofers looked shinier than mine.
yes mine is definitely V2 
I want V1 though but is really hard to find 
I will definitely sell my KLF 30 if I got V1 lol 

The guy is not interested online transaction and all PayPal things 
so search continues