Class A amplifier alternative?

Hi everyone, 

I am looking for an amp with about 200-300 watt/8ohm/channel for my speakers. People say that Class A is the best to have. However, with this power, Class A amp would be super heavy (for me) The amp at this power is usually 100 lbs or higher. I wonder if there is any other solution here that doesn't compromise the sound quality? My budget is $3000 (used items). 


Just FYI, I once tried class D but the sound is very clinical, thin and sterile in my system. 


Thank you!




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Perreaux 2150B! 340/680/920 wpc@8/4/2 ohms.Can be found for $1K or less! I have one for "heavy lifting"!

The Perreaux 2150B is certainly a "sleeper" among high-power amps! Sonically it can go fifteen rounds against any of today's expensive amps.

Look for a Class A/AB amp. There are quite a few which are very powerful. They run the first 10 or 20 watts in Class A then switch over to Class AB. Off the top of my head are Pass Labs, Plinius, and I think Parasound.

The Legacy i.V2 amp may come up for sale used or perhaps you can find a great deal on a new one.

Legacy i.V2

Legacy i.V4

"The i.V Ultra amplifier has handily outdone all other amps reviewed, regardless of genre, which is unprecedented. I invite the community to peruse the entire listing of amps I have reviewed from the past 14 years; there is not a one of them, not a single one, that I would prefer to be hearing. It’s not just a matter of being somewhat better, or in some respects having advantage, but rather a wholesale superior experience."