Class D amp recomendations please

Hello everyone,

I am currently running a BDA1 feeding a Wyred 4 Sound STP-SE Stage2, feeding a Musical Design D140I, and some home brew 1st order 4 way speakers that probably drop to about 4 ohms. I greatly enjoy the system but I am getting the bug to try the newer class D designs like GAN or NCore. Please educate me. Thank You


Thank you for the suggestion, how would you describe the performance? Sorry I could not find the comments.


I have a pair of Apollon monoblocks made with the PuriFi 1ET400A modules. I really like them, enough that I sold a $7000 amp because I prefer the Apollons for clarity, soundstage, low noise, and general musicality. I have listened to amps in the $10,000 range, and to me, these monoblocks are in that league sonically. However, they do lack the 3/4" thick machined front panel and backbreaking weight of some competitors. And they don't heat the room.

Now, everyone’s tastes are different, so some will not agree. (And some here judge products by the technology they contain, not the sound.)

There is one recommendation for you. Good luck!