Horn speakers are really bright?

So I’m trying to understand why so many people think klipsch or horn speakers are bright 

I have two  set up garage and living room both with horn speakers EPIC CF4 garage and and KLF 30 mahogany living room  

I have recorded this songs with my iPhone  listen to them and feel free to tell me what you don’t like about them
 by the way I don’t have any room treatment



@herman, impressive horn system. What is your crossover point to from big bass horn to the next?  It's a passive XO I take it from seeing just one amp.

I should put that this in the description, The mid horn rolls off naturally about 200-2Khz. Above that the tweeter has the stock avantgarde first order filter and below 200 the bass horn has a first order filter, as single inductor in series.

I have tried triamping with various electronic and digital crossovers but this is much more cohesive, simpler, and of course less expensive


I have modified khorns I bought an upgrade package from volti audio. 

This included all new drivers and new mid-range horns. I also had a new set of crossovers made this greatly improved the sound quality of the khorns.

I feel they sound best with a tube amp and a turntable. With live records the soundstage is amazing!

I have tried other amps and the sound is different with each one try out some different amplifier's till you get what you are looking for.

Happy hunting!!


I have over 30 pairs of speakers, I can change them all the time....Went I get boarded or want a change. There here...lol

There were two instances where horns sounded good. Vintage 1980s Klipschhorn and Acapella Cellini! 

The trick with horns is to take advantage of their controlled directivity- you can use that to minimize side wall reflections, thus allowing them to be smoother than a lot of non-horn systems.