KEF 107.2 with KUBE?

I'm buying a pair of KEF 107.2s without a KUBE. Some say a KUBE is not needed, but according to the installation instructions it's integral to the design. I want to have one even if I choose not to use it. Anyone have a lead on a KEF 107.2 KUBE for sale?

I'd be interested to learn what those who've heard a 107.2 with and without a KUBE have to say.

You can send me a private email if you can find it from Audiogon.

Ag insider logo xs@2xdbphd
Hi I owned these speakers a few years ago. They sound fine without the Kube but are definitely more accurate with the KUBE. Unfortunately each Kube is adjusted for the particular drivers and individual speaker - left and right. In other words each Kube is specific to each actual box. Variations in the actual drivers installed are adjusted for in the Kube. Therefore you cannot mix Kubes and speakers or buy another Kube. So in summary without Kube is ok but you should discount the value or price heavily as the speakers are not complete and the Kube cannot be replaced.
I've read that the design of the KUBEs is specific to models of speakers. The installation instructions for the KEF 107.2 warns that a 107.2 KUBE should be used with 107.2 speakers, but does not mention that KUBEs are adjusted for individual speakers. If that were true, a KUBE would need to be readjusted any time a driver is replaced, reconed, or received new surrounds. The 107.2s I'm buying are said to have had the cones and surrounds replaced recently -- before the seller became enamored with ultra-low wattage amps that require even more efficient speakers.

Hi db

Contacting members is no longer an option since the Audiogon upgrade took place. I saw 2 active listings for KEF 107.2 speakers. You can ask those sellers questions about the 107/2 and the Kube equalizer.

I never saw KEF say their KUBE Equalizers were adjusted for individual speakers I only saw different KUBE EQs for various speaker models. 105/3, 104/2, 103/3 etc etc. Have you tried contacting KEF about the 107/2 and the Kube EQ for it? I've spoken to Corey Medley over at KEF customer service (GP Acoustics (US) Ltd) a couple of times regarding various KEF speakers I've owned or had questions about and they were responsive.

Also I don't see how the KEF Kube EQs would need to be re-calibrated if a re-foam or surround repair was done. Wouldn't that kind of repair return the speakers to original form so no change to the eq is warranted? I would think if you changed the original drivers to an entirely different speaker you would have to modify the Kube.

Well good luck in your search.