Belles Aria Signature and other Int Amp recommendation

While searching for an Integrated Amp to go with my new Ascend Acoustics Sierra Tower speakers that I ordered, one Int Amp pique my interest is the Belles Aria Signature.  Although, not too much information on the Internet, but the few I did see seems to be all positive


One of the key things caught my attention is the use of MOSFET output devices, where both MOSFETs and vacuum tubes are both voltage controlled devices and their transfer functions are similar as well.  My limited experience with MOSFETs impart a tube-like sound with the low-end grunt of amps using bi-polar transistors.  If implements well, it is the best of both worlds, and I hope to get some inputs from people having more experience.


Meanwhile, I am also hope to have some recommendations on other SS Int Amps that is in the similar price range as Belles Aria Signature and see what I can do to arrange some audition.




I have owned the Belles Aria now for 2 years. I own Klipsch....JBL....Teckton.....Triangle...Alon....and Quad speakers. This integrated powers them all beautifully. Sweet  and punchy. Easy to listen to for hours at a time with no fatigue....I'm actually looking to upgrade to seperates and will be selling my Aria . Mint condition. Like new.

@elan120 You're most welcome. Below are a few of my system details. I know my speakers are on the border of "audiophile" grade, but the Signature is definitely getting the best out of them, and they're a lot better than their price point might indicate. I'm planning an upgrade because I can tell the rest of my system is capable of much more with better speakers, but for now I really enjoy what I'm hearing. For what it's worth, I'm taking a close look at Vandersteen 3a and Raven Audio Celest' right now, but haven't decided. 

Speakers: Martin Logan Motion 40i

TT: Rega RP8 with Hana SL

Phono pre: Tavish Vintage

Mid grade AudioQuest interconnects, Belden speaker wire, Nobsound springs and BDR cones for vibration control, magic by Krissy (bless her). 

On the Signature, my impression is that it does everything really well with no apparent weaknesses. I have no doubt you can get more of all that goodness at the next price point, but for me at least I'm not hearing any weaknesses within the context of my modest system. The Rega Elex-R on the other hand was energetic and brilliantly clear, but slightly harsh and fatiguing with all the same gear. 

Best wishes!

@buddyboy1 I heard from Gene Rubin that David Belles is about to release an Aria Signature dual mono, if you find that interesting vs. separates. 

Best wishes!

The Signature is a very different integrated to the regular Aria.  You can't transfer any impressions of one to the other.