Garage Listing room

Conciderations pn a garage Listing room.

18 wide  24 ft long 8 ft high ceiling.

Open suds completley insualated with paper faces. Stucco on other side of walls. garage door is solid type with insualtion.

Ceiling is flat open studs 100% filled insualtion

would this serve as a listing room.

Von schweikert vr4/5 Biamps all tubes (might not fill room) Have new vr-8's (that will)


It would work if you put something on the walls over the insulation, like drywall or plywood. It will sound dead with just the insulation.

Mine is 17x24x9. Yours will be fine. Use 5/8" sheetrock, it blocks like twice the sound of 1/2" for almost no additional cost. There's endless things you can do, the trick is to figure out which ones like the sheetrock trick cost next to nothing but deliver results big time. Usually only people who have actually been through this proces know these things. So be careful, because a lot don't, but act like they do.