What is the minimum distant for Zu?

This is for Zu definition owners, I have the def3's and now have them about 10 in from front wall and about 2 ft from sides

What is the minimum from the front you recommend? thanks,Scott
I assume that there are distances that produce better results than just randomly trying positions
All rooms are different. It is my experience that all speakers end up sounding the best in the same location in a given room. If you used speakers in this room before and found the optimum location that is where these speakers should be. If not, it is trial and error until you find it.
I would strongly disagree with Rrog: Maybe certain rooms and certain types of speakers can produce identical results but my room definitely does not fit that description.

And anyone who tells you that Zu sounds their best without fussy placement is lying to you!

I found my Zu's sounded best at least three feet from the front wall and a few feet from the side walls, however of course your room will be different. I followed Sean from Zu's placement advice to find the general correct area, then countless hours of fine tuning and micro adjustments till everything came together.

I have good friends who have had the same experience with Zu......placement is critical to get that last 5% that takes the, to the magical area!
Morganc, All speakers need the same attention as your Zu speakers, but once you learn your room you will find other speakers will sound their best in the same place as the Zu.
My Def 4s are closer to the wall than were my Def 2s. Also, the Def 2s seemed more fussy with regards to placement. I suspect that the Def 3s are more similar to the Def 2s because of the rear firing bass array.