KRELL K-300i - very smooth (first 90 watts Class A), powerful bass, non-fatiguing. I also have the internnal DAC for streaming. It does not run that warm. In terms of features and sound I think it is really unmatched at the price.
Check out the review on Stereophle for the K-300i. The Stereophile reviews of the Boulder 866 ($15K) and the new D’Agastino ($40K) also compare those 2 with the KRELL. As a reader I get the sense that the reviewer is saying why spend the extra money when you can get the K-300i instead.
BTW - I have this unit stuffed into a closet to be a headphone amp. Kind of a waste of the unit, but one day I will have this integrated setup to use all of its' features. I did have this unit on Thiel CS3.7 speakers, which are hard to drive. They souned great. However, I need separates for the CS3.7 system due to placement issues.