Can my amp drive the Paradigm Studio 100s

I have a Denon AVR-1910 receiver with rated at 90w per channel. I'm considering purchasing a pair of Paradigm Studio 100 v2; will my Denon cut it? I'll be using them with a sub for movies, but I'd still like to listen to a pure 2 channel setup some of the time. I'll be bi-wiring the Studio 100s. Any thoughts?
I have two Denon AVRs (rated at 140w and 110w) and find neither very stasfying for two channel music--as suggested above they may have enough power, but just don't sound good, esp. at the low end. Adding an external amp (in my case 120w Parasound HCA, 60w HK Citiation and various Adcom) improved matters very significantly--more detailed and much better bass definition.
I have those speakers and use marantz monoblocks at 125 wpc which is more than powerful enough, I'd actually be surprised if your receiver wasn't powerful enough for them
With some A/V receivers, they're OK running two channels. If you start playing action movies that runs several channels at the same time, then their power drops a lot lower. Here is an example of an another Denon rated at 140 watts.
I agree with Rlwainwright that Biwiring the 100s did not make a difference.When I went from 125wpc to 250 wpc that made a nice improvment.Never did care for the tweeter on the 100s and ended up selling them.They were incredible for HT ,esp when paired up with a powerful sub.I think I had the hindsight I wish I would have bought the Monitor Audios I auditioned instead .