Adding an ignore list feature to audiogon

Some other forums have an ignore list feature, which I think could be quite helpful and useful here. It allows each individual member to create an ignore list. This is a list of other members whose posts that individual does not wish to see. When members on the list post, it will show that they posted, but the text of their post will not be be displayed. The posts are only hidden for that member, they will show up like normal for all other members (unless they also have the poster on their ignore list)

I believe adding this feature would help reduce conflict and controversy, while still allowing everyone to post freely. It would also make the moderators' job easier. I'm not sure if the forum software audiogon uses supports this feature, but, if it does, they should definitely look into implementing it.


"The feature you're proposing would be contributing to polarization."

Like there's not already a bunch of highly polarized people here?! Being tolerant of opposing views is one thing, not wanting to have them shoved down your throat is another.


Wow, I did not know that about Rome/Thumb up-down and was honestly doubtful for a minute - but you are totally correct. Thank you for the history lesson. One of the few times I actually felt smarter after reading through a thread here ;-)

Well anyone could ignore the IGNORE button. Easy fix, I reckon, for those apposed.

A Dyslexic button: everything is backwards

Add a speed reading button. It only shows every 6th word.

Add a Bored button it doubles all the responses.

Add a Stupid button a mirror pop up..:-) 




Part of being tolerant of opposing views is choosing not to respond every single time you see one expressed. If, every time someone expresses an opposing view, you feel the need to respond to/refute it, who is the one being intolerant?

Am I the only one the finds the arguments entertaining? I also remember being taught that "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me". I guess the age of the internet crusades has reversed that old saying.