What happened?

So many of the forums have  been corrupted by MMA fighters. Maybe we should just have reviews with commentary and technical help forums. I thought our hobby was to give us a break from the BS of daily life.

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Ha! Yeah sure, but QAnon, Facebook and YouTube are experts on vax and Pharma. I love how you state you are a retired doc and then go on to say they are all egomanics and liars. Yep, you proved your theory right, "doc". Glad you're retired.

And don't whine about my response, since what has any of this got to do with audio? Nothing. So why did you even bring this up? What did you expect, people to agree with your conspiracy theories (hey the world is flat by the way and we never landed on the moon, RFK is coming back from the dead also) and listen to your ego and lies (your words, not mine) about doctors?

Now hopefully one of the admins will remove this thread and we can get back to audio.

Typically arrogant response. My 15 years in health care corroborates everything hhscott said. Especially the last few years it has really gotten obvious. Physician, MD, used to be a profession. Doctors used to practice medicine. Now they follow protocol, which increasingly is little more than corporate policy. A surprising amount of this is administrative, coroprate risk management, legal and revenue driven. Every factor it seems but patient care.

I hate and abhor arrogant blather like deadhead here so let me give you an example. A guy comes in shoulder obviously dislocated. I’ve seen it, you can tell from across the lobby. First thing the guy says, "I dislocated my shoulder again. Can you pop it back?" You sure? "Yeah second time."

I won’t go into the details of how this goes but by now the MD comes up and some will do this and some won’t, she won’t he will have to go to the ER. Off he goes.

That believe it or not is practicing medicine. Broke half a dozen protocols and corporate policies. Lucky we weren’t all fired. What we were supposed to do:

Say nothing about not being able to help him. Waste an hour of his time on registration and exam, charge him $500 and then tell him to go to the ER!

Deadhead can be forgiven not knowing any of this. He can be an arrogant a$$ insulting a retired MD with a lifetime of service to his community. But he really should apologize and promise to keep his big fat mouth shut on things he so obviously knows nothing about.


" I hate and abhor arrogant blather like deadhead here"

" But he really should apologize and promise to keep his big fat mouth shut on things he so obviously knows nothing about."




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