What happened?

So many of the forums have  been corrupted by MMA fighters. Maybe we should just have reviews with commentary and technical help forums. I thought our hobby was to give us a break from the BS of daily life.


" I hate and abhor arrogant blather like deadhead here"

" But he really should apologize and promise to keep his big fat mouth shut on things he so obviously knows nothing about."




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I don't like all that physical stuff, makes my hands hurt. I just squeeze slowly untill someone says Uncle. Don't worry about the one tooth, half an ear, glass eye and a slight limp. It's just vintage. It adds character anyways..


Better Idea don't go in the Dojo at all. :-) 


Time to fix the chicken coop. Stupid goat.. Lawn mower duty for him.. You should see him eat black berries..



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^^^ Yeah, The Color Purple" thread was just getting good. Hey, I even agreed with Wolf-Garcia. :-)
