Supertwitters continue to be a problem around here. I recommend just ignore them.
Roxy54 on the other hand is some kind of super audiophile. Feel free to keep bugging me. It can take a while sometimes but in the end it usually works. Like I just took some string and duct tape and rubber bands and got the super tweeters lined up with the tweeter tweeters and yes indeed, much to my surprise the incredibly good focus got incredibly gooder-er. Only listened to Linda Ronstadt so far but omg she is so in focus and palpably there now! Before she was centered and solid but kind of diffuse and taller, probably because the supertweeter was on top it was stretching things higher. Just a guess.
They are on the outside right now. The way they are set up it is real easy to fine tune angles and position fore and aft. I will mess around with that a while and then maybe try them on the inside.
This has me thinking this might be one of the reasons people like the Be tweeters so much. They get a lot of the ultra-sonic extension benefits and it is right there not a foot off one way or another. Whatever. This is nice. Thanks and feel free to bug me any time! 😉