WTF: uncontrolled Tsunami of Spam pure crap post arising on AGON daily

Fifty one ..., 51 new posts this am and counting so far today,  of  pure shite posts polluting the forum this am,

AGON failure to weed out and prevent this  (again,,,) shows a broken system sinking into a B- grade forum. You don't see this junk on the Canadian or British forums. 


I actually contacted Tammy about this and I did not receive a response.  I told her there is a rise in discussions polluted by cute comments.  I personally think there is no room for a put down.  However, there are a few who start a ridiculous discussion and perhaps they should be pulled.  I think this group is trying to become more sophisticated and we need to remind people we need not clutter things up with worthless topics.  I think many of you know what I mean.

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90-odd new ones this AM .... (sigh) ...It’s trending in the wrong direction.

the illegimate spam crap posts have overwhelmingly dwarfed any legitimate audio posts this am.

Guess it’s time to just check out and simply avoid visiting AGON until it gets fixed and just migrate to the UK and CANADIAN forums, including the posting of ads.

to the admins: Your platform and model is irretrievably broken in its current form.

so, start with putting in an immediate new post buffering of new posts pending release into the forum, and also figure out the process of screening out the daily new spam troll offenders. How about charging a refundable credit card charge after a TBD probation period?

It is high time to incorporate successful practices from PINK FISH AUDIO in the UK and CANUCKAUDIOMART in Canada.



FYI, We found a solution to control the spam.

Apologies for the disruption this has caused to the forums.




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