Solid state amp recommendations for Maggies?

I am looking for another amp to drive my magnepan LRS, looking for a solid state amp to deliver more detail than my current tube amp, but don't want to give up (much) of the soundstage and depth.

I have a small listening room with a near field set up, so I don't need a ton of power for ear piercing volume. I listen mostly to acoustic rock, acoustic jazz and female vocalists.  I want more the guitar on Keith don't go and hotel canifornia intro from hell freezes over to  to sound... better...

at the risk of sounding stupid, I am driving these $650 speakers with many thousands of dollars of electronics.  The amp is a Primaluna HP (80wpc using 4 EL34s per channel), CJ ET7 preamp, PS Audio Direct stream DAC and a Naim digital source. All with MG audio silver interconnects and speaker wire. Even the interconnects cost more than the LRS.  

I am very happy with my current set up, but would like to grab another amp to a change of pace.

My budget is $5-8K, used or new.  My room is such that mono blocks set up well, but that is not necessary. 





I have been driving a pair of 3.6 Maggie's with McIntosh MC501s for 15 years of magic.  You need more quality watts with the current of one of the amps like Bryson,  McIntosh, etc.  Lots of good choices at your price point.  

one thing about used McIntosh gear, it holds its value over time in case you change your mind.  I could sell my MC501s for what I paid 15 years ago.

This advice is worth what you paid for it, like all the other posts.  Let your ears decide if you can listen to your choice first.

I have LRSs with a Parasound A21+ and the combo is really good. If you went that route, you could get 2 and run them as monoblocks and would come in near the top of your stated budget range. Another option with plenty of current and watts and stable down to 1.5 ohms is the Parasound JC5. It has a bit more grunt than the A21+ and I think is around $6000. 

I’ve got very demanding Apogee Duetta II Signature Series full range ribbon speakers and have always been very happy with the combo of my BAT (Balanced Audio Technology) tube preamps with BAT’s solid state amps. They are built like tanks with massive transformers and a lot of quality current (essentially 2 mono blocks in the same chassis), particularly with an SE model that has the BAT pack or super BAT pack that give you a massive of amount of extra power when you need it. Even though they are solid state amps they have always been known for imparting a lot of what listeners love with the tube sound. I recommend talking to Victor Khomenko. He’s designed their gear for decades and is happy to answer all of your questions.