What is that weird noise in the mix of Sympathy For the Devil?

Right channel. Sounds like an oscillator from an amp? Bad tape ?


That's because Mick has the Stones music mastered to sound best on the 6x9 coaxial in the dash of a 1969 Mustang. Or was it Camaro? Never could keep those straight.

it's from a deteriorating tape. Too many reissues. the new  digitalization is revealing the damage. Go to a classic( i heart) rock station and listen . You'll hear it within 3 


Greatest Rock & Roll song ever written and recorded.  As powerfull today as it was back then.  

...proving yet again there's a downside to SOTA equipment....;)

"I'm hearing 'things' that shouldn't be....😖....."

*Looking up from notepad @ the recumbent theoriginalthor1 on the chaise...*

Mmmm....sounds like you've come down again from those gummies laced with equine 'downers' I warned you about.....here...

*Scribbles on the Rx pad....*

Here's that therapy that's utilizing low dose psychedelics to 'recalibrate' your perceptions of 'what is vs. what ain't'.  Oh, and leave the blue pills alone while you're at it...


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