What is that weird noise in the mix of Sympathy For the Devil?

Right channel. Sounds like an oscillator from an amp? Bad tape ?


...proving yet again there's a downside to SOTA equipment....;)

"I'm hearing 'things' that shouldn't be....😖....."

*Looking up from notepad @ the recumbent theoriginalthor1 on the chaise...*

Mmmm....sounds like you've come down again from those gummies laced with equine 'downers' I warned you about.....here...

*Scribbles on the Rx pad....*

Here's that therapy that's utilizing low dose psychedelics to 'recalibrate' your perceptions of 'what is vs. what ain't'.  Oh, and leave the blue pills alone while you're at it...


Post removed 

Thankfully, again, Miller is able to answer a question in such way that new dimensions of my consciousness illuminated. His written words cause me to rethink the question, and in fact question the very foundations of my beliefs as a person. 

We are fortunate to have such a treasure as him, one more thing to appreciate on Thanksgiving. 

*L*  I've vague symp for the devil....always catches even more hell over events not of its' fault, since most is caused by human idiocy...

OTOH, it must be a boon to have ones' work done for you. 

...but I'm just an annoying realist at certain heartless levels. 😏

Chalk it up to a talent for an ability for profound annoyance to the innocent bystanders by the '60s' brain burnt.....;)

*evil snotty laughter*   Towards that surreality.....

@dabel ....you're just another brick in the wall, caught up in my nefarious plot to trot to achieve total control of the warped weft of the universal chaos inhumanity sets itself up for....Lucy jerking the football on Charlie, Trumpists claiming who knows what about wtf todays' imagined scheme to disallow 'Chumper' to regain and restore his utter idiocy to drive the ship of state into the shoals of reef 'reckage...

But I ramble on....anon, and on, and on, and on....

(I Really should stop sleeping in with the enema...I mean, Enemy...)

As is heard, waaay too often....

"Please Stand By."

...as if you've a choice.... ;) *L*