The volume of my speakers going down by itself and going back again in a minute or two

I just upgraded a used Audio Research tube Preamp and a power amp. I found that the The volume of my speakers going down by itself and going back again in a minute or two. What could be wrong? Both amp and preamp are used. I had my speakers for 20 years. Never had the issue before. Help!


Without any further information I'd say it was demon possession, it could just a curse. Two Hail Marys and 5 Our Fathers for the curse, and get some Holy Water for the possession.. That should cover everything..

Then look at the sticking remote, and change batteries and clean the contacts if need be. Just a thought..

I'll put in a good word before sundown.. It is a day of rest.. :-)

I had the same thing happen. Then I realized the dog was stepping on the remote. All 7 pounds of him.