Placing B&W 801s3 in Small Thin Room

Always wanted the 801's, and now, when retired and in small house I finally get some Series3, but my room is not ideal This is my room. The speakers are on the long wall which is 27' and has a vaulted ceiling directing the sound forward and down. So far so good. The bad is the room is only 15' wide. Right now I have the speakers (both base and swivel mid/high) facing forward about 1' from back wall with listening position chair up against facing wall. There is an archway that cuts out some of the listening wall and several alcoves that can be used to mix up reflections. I have expected seting the woofers at 30deg to back wall would reduce boom but it did not. Base is too strong and little slow, while top end is bright. Being driven my Krell KAV250p and KSA250.
I have seen folks use radically different alignments of woofer to mid/hi modules in the 801, even so far as the woofers toed-out. Most common is woofers square to the rear wall and modules toed-in. It all depends on the room acoustics and your ears. Good move on sitting closer; that can really help. The concrete floor can be an issue. You might want to try thicker rugs in front of the speakers. If you want to discuss this further, send me a PM.
I have B&W 801S3's in a 13' wide x 22' length room. These conditions work great for me. The speakers are located about 2 ' off the side walls and 5' off the front wall. Also my listening chair is 5' off the rear wall. With my related gear and the right recordings the speakers will disappear.