Pass Labs XA25 without preamp (from a variable output source) vs INT25



I just have a single source system (a DAC with a high quality variable output) so what would be the best aounding option? DAC direct to XA25 through the variable output or DAC with fixed output and an INT25?

Reading between lines it seems INT25 looses some transparency and gravitates to a warm sound compared to the very clean and transparent sound the XA25 provides. I love a transparent, rich and 3D sound but I don't want a lean sound. 

Anyone here uses the XA25 without preamp from a high quality variable output source?







I can't agree more!

The sound without pre will go quite flat in most situation.



Sound without a pre is only flat if your DAC has a crappy output stage. Buy a properly engineered DAC and that won't be a problem. 

Sound without a pre is only flat if your DAC has a crappy output stage. Buy a properly engineered DAC and that won’t be a problem.

+1 Most dacs today have ss output stages that are just as good if not better than your mega buck preamps, and defintetly better than tube preamps. Andy

+1. And if you want designer colouration, play around with DSP. Most audiophiles would turn their noses up at something like this:

But I dare them to try it



My Experience- I had the XA25 with no Preamp-Ran thru the Oppo 205.

Loved it and shopped preamps with a tube. Decided the INT25-designed

to mate with each other-might be wisest so I moved up to the INT25.

I never felt the SQ improved with this move however.  I Added an AudioMirror

R2R DAC (with tubes) and fell in love again.

Bottom line- Use the XA25 sans pre if you can do it. 

Sorry I can not elaborate the differences as I sold one before receiving the 

other. (Rookie mistake)