Dedicated power supply and upgraded power cable

I would appreciate your thoughts on whether it wll make sense to upgrade the power cord of the external power supplies of my preamp and streamer.

To be honest, I was skeptical about the added benefit of high end power cords (not cables in general), but recently upgraded those of my monoblocks and the improvement was far beyond any expectation.

Now with the preamp and the streamer I am wondering wether their high end external power supplies will not diminish the potential improvement of such an upgrade.


Generally - the better the power supply in a component then the better the power cable has to be in order to achieve any benefit.

But in todays world, with the advances in the wire used, the insulation used and the geometry of the power cables - then it is possible to improve performance of pretty much any amplifier - even those with external power supplies. But the weak link then becomes the umbilical from the power supply to the actual component.

Really the only true way to tell is to try one.

The brands that I believe offer great performance and value for money are

- Zevfino - one of the best bang for the buck cables around

- In Akustik - extraordinary cable geometry

- and Nordost - they have a lot of cable experience and they work

You can go with a DIY option if you possess some DIY skills - but the good cables require a little more skill than simply attaching two connectors to a piece of bulk cables.

Here’s a link


Hope that helps - Steve

Adding, slightly, to Steve's ( @williewonka ) excellent advice:

Try more than one...preferably a few...


Really the only true way to tell is to try one.

I agree with the above suggestions. I would also add the Audio Envy, a 6' Mega 3 power cord with 6 conductors (possibly a special order).

Thank you for the advices. I will make a try with some of the brands that you suggested and if I hear an improvement, I will probably order some more from the brand I use for the amps - AM audio. Unfortunately they are delivered only upon order and it takes up to two months to be delivered. But they are of impressive build and sound quality.