The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses

This thread is intended for those who are actually using the new SR Purple Fuses. In my system, they are a significant improvement over the SR Orange fuses. What are your impressions? 


@coralkong I am happy that your $200 fuse made such an improvement in your system.  Now take that one out and put in a $3 Littelfuse and re-evaluate.  Chances are you won't hear a difference.  The lack of any form of common-sense regarding boutique fuses is stunning.

Post removed 

"I am happy that your $200 fuse made such an improvement in your system.  Now take that one out and put in a $3 Littelfuse and re-evaluate.  Chances are you won't hear a difference."

I've done that. A couple of times, actually.

I can absolutely hear a difference.

If you'd like a demonstration, come on over and bring a six pack. 

We can swap cables back and forth, too. (Won't THAT blow your mind!)

We'll make an afternoon of it.




In the meantime, the system, thanks to the three well broken in SR Purple fuses, and some other unmentionables, is sounding better than ever. I invited Peter, Paul, and Mary over last night. It was as though I could reach out and touch them. Here’s a sample for your enjoyment. Egad, this even sounds great on my desktop Audioengine A2+ speakers. 


My God!  Even through the hundreds of standard fuses, thousands of miles of cheap ethernet cables, and hundreds of vendor-supplied power cables between your system and mine I can hear the improvement wrought from the SR Purple Fuses!