The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses

This thread is intended for those who are actually using the new SR Purple Fuses. In my system, they are a significant improvement over the SR Orange fuses. What are your impressions? 


Gentlemen, let’s try to be cool.

Or we’ll see this wonderful thread that keeps bringing out the best in everyone shut down again. 


Post removed 

Well crap Andy, are you lookin' for a little ras-ma-taz? I'll Be your Huckleberry.

"Hell Doc I have all kinds of friends".  Doc: "I don't"'

It's pretty simple QUIT arguing with the OP and everyone else.

I understand there is a depression cycle, then a manic cycle. Opposite ends of the poles. IF you stay on your meds, you'll hit the middle and start acting like everyone else. Right now your in the BUTTHOLE cycle. I'm not sure where that is at on the Bi-polar scale, but I'd up the dosage just a tad. Drink plenty of water too, that always helps..

Please pay the receptionist on the way out. 

BTW We have a little survey we'd like you to sign on the WAY OUT. Don't worry we filled it out for you. Just sign on the dotted line.. That little white coat the guys are holding was specially made just for you.. The real long sleeves with straps on the ends are all the rage.

We also have a special today a "twofer" Buy one Lobotomy and get the second one for half off. Bring a friend (if you have any). Lookin' forward to seeing you the next time. Ya'll come back now, Hear!!


Many thanks to nonoise for keeping "The List" of the NUTTER who ever Flash-in-the-pan-Andy is this time..

OP don't worry if they close the thread again. They have monitor on Andy when the med hit a certain level, the "all clear" message will go out and they will re open the thread automatically. It's one of the new features. 

Now if we can just get Andy to insert the monitoring PROBE in the correct orifice.
AND leave the cat alone Andy. That's just not right even if she does perrrrr!!

Andypandy sez ...

"very Trump’ish ..."

Now I understand you, Andy. This brings it all into focus. Nothing else needs to be said. From this point on, I will be addressing you as "Karen." *lol*
