LSA Voyager GAN Amplifier

Just got mine last week.  After 24 hours of play all I can say is that this is not your father's class D amplifier.  There is not one thing about its sound that reminds me of the class D gremlins that I do not like.  The low end filled in and now has deep impact, the midrange is the love child of a beautiful tube and clean hybrid amp - just gorgeous.  Highs are very clean and extended. Spatial cues are top notch. My system has had some damn good tube and solid state amps in it before and it has never sounded this good.  I am blown away with the quality of sound coming from class D amplification at this price point.

This 300 wpc amplifier is a real winner.....
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xjaymark


Which model of analyzer do you own?

Hp 8903B Old but it does the job.

Clearly some 'tube guys' do have analyzers on hand...




I never said the amp with the lowest MEASURED distortion is the best (Halcro or whatever). What I am saying is that the amp with the lowest SONIC distortion is the best. And of course, we could argue all day about what is distortion and what is real. The ear knows best. The measured distortion of an amp is only a measurement of about one one hundreth of its sonic distortion (yes, it is important but without the other 99+ things you can do you are just scratching the surface of true transparency). You could take the same design by the same engineer that measures incredibly low distortion on some meter and give that circuit to 100 different people to implement it as an amp.........Since there are so many variables that change the would end up with 100 amps that all sound different from each other. I have taken Bruno’s basic amp design’s and made them better sounding by changing and eliminating certain parts. These changes cannot be measured. You just change the AC inlet on an amp to a better one and you have better sound. This game is infinite!

There is no such thing as "distortion below audibility". What we hear is WAY way more than what we can measure. You can just damp the heatsink of an amp and you will hear lower the sonic measurement difference. You can remove the steel plate and bolt from a toroid power transformer and mount it off the chassis on some wood and you will hear a more open sound.....again, no difference in distortion measurements, but way lower sonic distortion. This game is not simple. If you think it is that simple then why would you post on a forum where most everyone listens to things to determine what they like, want, and what they think is lowest distortion? Why are you an audiophile if you believe that all you need is numbers? Just buy a 1977 Sansui Receiver and a pair of Advents and be done with it.

I never said the amp with the lowest MEASURED distortion is the best (Halcro or whatever). What I am saying is that the amp with the lowest SONIC distortion is the best.

The distortion signature of any amplifier is the 'sonic signature' to which people often refer. Since you can't get rid of it, it needs to be correct. FWIW this is why tubes are still being made.

"sonic distortion"

? New snake oil term?

"The measured distortion of an amp is only a measurement of about one one hundreth of its sonic distortion"

Any published evidence or more snake oil unproven claims?

"I made Bruno Putzey’s amp better"

Yeah, sure you did. If you knew 1/100 of what Bruno knows about amps you would be designing and selling your own instead of fabricating bs and leaching off the success of real audio designers and experts.

"There is no such thing as "distortion below audibility"

Really? So distortion components 200db down from the signal are audible? Yeah, right.

LMAO, what a joke. And people actually pay you money for this nonsense? Nice try Mr. Snake Oil but you are full of it.

You could have measured distortion of 3 billion db down and still the amp would only sound as good as the execution and parts (the tons of things that cannot be measured yet make a serious difference in sound).  You have your 5% people like Kuribo that think everything we hear can be measured.  And you have the rest of us that believe our ears.  Good luck trying to convince anyone you are correct.....except for the other guys here who think like you......a very, very small minority....with big big mouths.....he he.

Thank you for your opinion.  I honor your soul and I know you are beautiful.  You are worthy.....we are all worthy.