Nobsound springs - load range

I want to try out the Nobsound springs as damping footers (mainly under my mono blocks and my streamer). I ordered a first set of them and now I wonder about the amount of springs to put in for different weights of equipment.I remember one post that said it works best when 50% compressed (was it @millercarbon?).

I measured the compression of the springs, it takes ~2.5 kg per spring to compress it to 50%. Based on 50% compression target, this yields the following sweet spot configurations (only stable ones, total equipment weight):
- 3 units, 3 springs each: 22.5 kg
- 4 units, 3 springs each (or 3 units, 4 springs each): 30 kg - 4 units, 4 springs each: 40 kg
- 3 units, 6 springs each: 45 kg
- 3 units, 7 springs each: 52.5 kg
- 4 units, 6 springs each: 60 kg
- 4 units, 7 springs each: 70 kgLoad can be considerably higher than expected (somewhere I read about 36kg, which is presumably for 4 units).

Any comments?What about ~10 kg streamer, seems to be too light to compress the springs enough? Does anyone have experience with Nobsound springs under light equipment like this?
Based on your experiences: Would you even dare to put an 80kg floor standing speaker on Nobsound springs?

Hm9001 has some hard data and some mock it? Ugh. 

I have 16 total Nob springs and 4 of the knock off version that are smaller and have acrylic (I guess) tops/bottoms. I have been playing with spring load and trying them under multiple components. To my ears they added some color I didn't like under my Monoblocks but I think they may have improved the sound a bit under my streamer and Dac. Gonna move them in and out to see if I feel the same way over time.

In the end...its a cheap and fun thing to experiment with. 


I have found the best spring configuration after 5 days of experimentation. In brief summary, the Nobsounds have brought an appreciable improvement to my system. They are used on a Class A integrated amp, 4 footers under the components’ feet. I have another set of Nobsounds which will be tested with the DAC and pre/power amps in another system in due time.

I initially started with 6 springs on each footer. Due to the unbalanced loading of the amp which caused an uneven compression of the footers (the amp is heavier at the front), I later switched to 5 springs @ front, 4 springs @ rear. For ease of illustration, here’s the configuration I’ve tried in chronological order with their corresponding gap between the top and bottom aluminium alloy pieces;

6 springs @ front and rear (8mm gap)

5 springs @ front ; 4 springs @ rear (7mm gap) = 50% compression

4 springs @ front ; 3 springs @ rear (5mm gap)

3 springs @ front ; 2 springs @ rear (3mm gap)

I was expecting the best result with the smallest gap but that didn’t work for me. I then slowly got back up to 6/5 before finally settling with 5/4 which is the best sounding set up to my ears, in my system. Coincidentally, this configuration gave a 50% compression of the springs.

The sound quality is noticeably different with each spring set up. In brief summary, too many springs (low compression) will produce a sound that is lean and light with reduced bass weight. Too little springs (high compression) reduced the airiness and 3-dimensionality. When it sounds right, you will know it and everything just sounds great.

Impressions as follows;

6 springs @ front ; 5 springs @ rear,

- overall presentation is lean and light with certain hollowness to the sound

- bass weight is reduced as it lacks punch and drive

- slight smearing in the midrange

- percussion sounds soft and lacks bite


5 springs @ front ; 4 springs rear (best sound)

- best sound from this set up with the springs at 50% compression

- everything just sounds right as music just flows out freely from the speakers

- notes have more energy with a tube-like quality

- treble sounds airier and has better extension

- improved macrodynamics, airier and 3-dimensional sound with space between instruments

- thwack of drums and percussion all sound snappier and real

- bass weight is back with improved definition and punch


4 springs @ front ; 3 springs @ rear

3 springs @ front ; 2 spings @ rear

- reduced airiness and 3-dimensionality as the sound is slightly dull and flat


Hm9001 has some hard data and some mock it? Ugh.


It appears that you have trouble differentiating between mocking and seeking clarification.

@ryder yes I have the aluminum Nobsounds. I just remeasured, the gap unloaded is ~14mm, the gap with 1 spring and 2.5kg load is ~7mm. Maybe the springs in your Nobsounds are different.

@hm9001 appreciate the confirmation. Perhaps the springs in my Nobsounds are different, which is certainly weird if that’s the case. Or perhaps there is error in my calculations. My amp weighs 28.4 kg in the spec sheet, and it takes a total of 18 springs to achieve 50% compression (~7mm gap). 28.4kg ÷ 18 = 1.6kg per spring. The gap with 1 spring and 1.6kg load is ~7mm in my system.

Ignoring the discrepancies in the compression of the springs, I presume ~50% compression of the springs is the sweet spot. Perhaps not for all systems as some have settled with 1-2mm gap (>90% compression). The type of component may be a factor too ie. DAC or CD players requiring higher spring compression while amps requiring lower compression, an assumption on my part.

I’ll be testing the 2nd set of Nobsound on the DAC and another pre/power amps soon to find out myself.