antigrunge2674 posts 11-27-2021 6:06am @mozartfan , in the video running both a coax tweeter and a second tweeter in paralell off-axis will reult in a blurred soundstage, partial cancellation of frequencies through overlap as well as issues of phase coherence. I’d suggest to use a supertweeter with the Coax driver instead. On bass, similar issues apply although localisation is less critical. The SET looks intereting and you rightly point out the importance of transformers.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In theory, dual tweeters (FR’s tweeter + Philips) might work out as conflicting higher end fq’s mashing together,,,but in real time all sounds very natural, nothing Consider Tekton’s multi tweet design, Folks love em. Yes my tech hammers on trans quality. Colbalt trans, EVEN IF still in production are wayyy out my budget. Most higher end chines SETs are using Z11, which offers a pretty good band for the buck. With me its all about speakers, less trans quality/amp design. I’m looking at a 845 now and the one reason I’m considering the model over all overs has 300B as driver + two 12AX7’s.
But then again the 12AX’s will be bypassed anyway, going with the PRE OUT which is the main reason going with this amplifier.
If you think dual tweets might cause high fq’s distortion, next week I will be testing dual FR, W8 + W6. Which some DIYers suggested it can’t be done, **we tried it**
look at all the big names in xovers speakers, multiple drivers in all fq’s. Seas Thors has dual W18’s. Wonderful speaker, no muddy bass/mids whatsoever, Just pure music. My FR has surpassed Seas by a significant margin. FR speakers experience is something like a SET experience. Both components are magical.
SETs do things a PP amplifierr can not
FR do things a xover speaker can not.