Magico S1 vs YG Carmels

Has anyone directly compared the Magico S1 and YG Carmels?
I have now heard the Carmels and very much enjoyed their sound. They list at $18,000 vs $12,600 for a similar 2 way aluminum model in the Magico S1, which I have not heard as yet. Is the S1 as musical, resolving and coherent from top to bottom as the Carmel. I am going to audition the S1 when visiting NYC early next month. Thank you for your opinions!
What if you throw B &W 802D in with these two?

How do they compare side by side?

So hard to find dealers that have enough lines.
It was a “tweaked” V3. At that time I owned a V3, and at the demo, they sounded nothing like the V3 I owned. I would not put too much weight in to that shoot out.
The S1 is quite superior to the YG, including the bigger, more expensive 2 ways they make.
I've heard both of these speakers several times in different rooms and systems. They both punch significantly above their weight but I'd give a slight nod to the Carmel which I found to be somewhat more resolving and to have more precise imaging. Needless to say, they are both superb speakers and I could easily see someone preferring the S1s and saving $6k to boot.

That said, I would encourage you to audition the S3 which have impressed me every time I've heard them. Yes, they are $4k more than the Carmels but I think they have the most remarkable midrange I've ever heard from a cone speaker. Perhaps it's the new polycarbonate midrange enclosure but Magico's got something pretty obviously special going with the S3 that I find very compelling. I liked them better than the YG Haileys and I'm a big a YG fan.