This is all nonsense.......ramblings from someone who has never listened to this amp. The measurements are not proof that this amp will sound different with a 4 ohm or 8 ohm speaker. Please show me the double blind listening tests that prove that. This is all conjecture from someone who believes that measurements rule and that listening tests are not needed to "know" how something sounds. Does not matter how much spin you put on this.....this is just your belief system. And this belief system is believed by very very few people who read this thread.....and the people who believe their ears and not some words from someone who does not listen will NEVER believe your belief system......and that is because they have direct experience that tells them the opposite......that cables, tweaks, fuses, footers, cables off the floor, etc. all have a different sound and that most of these things CANNOT be measured.
I have never heard of a person who believes that cables sound different....eventually "evolving"????? ...he he... to a place where they now believe all cables sound the same. NEVER will happen. Once you hear cables make a difference you cannot go back. However, lots of people who did not believe cables sound different have become "converts".....once they actually listened with an open mind and heart.
Why don’t you go onto Jay’s thread?......and tell them that his latest $10K cables are all snake oil and that cables all sound the same?......and that the Synergistic fuses he heard are all snake oil.....and that his $5K speakers stands are all snake oil.....and that the footers he heard (and that he did not like)...are all snake oil (because you cannot hear a footer under a 100lb. amp sitting on a $5K stand). , and that more perfect measuring and cheaper gear are more accurate, etc..
The reason you will not go there is that they would laugh you right would feel so low you would never come back. On these cheapo threads you feel less threatened and have your buddies to do the +1 thing. The bottom line is that what you say is just your opinion. Of course, this applies to all, including what I just said. It is just that my basic opinion.(that a lot of things in audio that make the sound better cannot be measured) is shared by most everyone here........and practically no one on ASR. Such is life. Life is beautiful.....and your stereo can be made to sound more beautiful by playing with infinite things. Its fun!
Have fun......we don’t need to be so serious. No one is getting hurt by buying this really good sounding amp or having mods done to it or whatever. Chill and bliss is good for you.
So, you have sonically A/Bed the Orchard and the LSA in your system using the same cords, etc.....both burned in and you think one sounds better? Or are we still talking numbers and no listening tests to back up the numbers game?
I have some Orchard monos here right now that I am modding. I will hear how they sound for myself. No one can tell me what is best.....I will know for myself. Trust your not trust words from me or anyone else. Trust know what you want and what you like. The what you experience.....not what you are told.