LSA Voyager GAN Amplifier

Just got mine last week.  After 24 hours of play all I can say is that this is not your father's class D amplifier.  There is not one thing about its sound that reminds me of the class D gremlins that I do not like.  The low end filled in and now has deep impact, the midrange is the love child of a beautiful tube and clean hybrid amp - just gorgeous.  Highs are very clean and extended. Spatial cues are top notch. My system has had some damn good tube and solid state amps in it before and it has never sounded this good.  I am blown away with the quality of sound coming from class D amplification at this price point.

This 300 wpc amplifier is a real winner.....
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xjaymark

What is the compliance of your springs? What frequency range are you attempting to attenuate? Are you overdamped? Underdamped? Critically damped? Do you know anything about damping harmonic motion? "it sounds better" is not evidence that you have done anything meaningful to reduce the vibrations in your components- heard of confirmation bias? It's how all these nut job tweaks and tweakers make a living fleecing people.

LOL---Machina Dynamica--

"Posted by geoffkait (M) on January 23, 2013 at 14:20:08
Machina Dynamica.
Obtain a roll of adhesive-backed copper tape, width 1/2 inch. It can be either conductive or non-conductive adhesive. Adhesive-backed copper tape is available at Amazon and eBay, Radio Shack might carry it, who knows. Cut the copper tape into 1" x 1/2" rectangles - one rectangle for every window pane or glass door in the house or apartment. Attach one copper rectangle to each glass window and glass door. The copper rectangle can be placed anywhere on the glass, upper corner or otherwise out of view is OK. Be sure and attach a copper rectangle to glass in all rooms of the house or apt."

This is the level of sophistication we are at with these tweakie scammers....

@kuribo please enlighten us ignorant sods. Please explain the dynamics of harmonic suspension tuning.

Impart some knowledge as opposed to ad-hominem attacks of contributors and advertisers.

We are waiting.....

Pre, versus post filter, feedback in class d amps is a known source of variable frequency dependency and a second class technology. Of course it is audible- remember the words of the guru: "everything is audible". Frequency response should be independent of load and all the better state of the art implementation use post filter feedback- Orchard, Icepower, Hypex, Purifi. Do a little reading and educate yourselves to the advantages. Any amp that sounds different with different speakers is not something any serious audio person would consider state of the art simply because of GaN. It's like putting new Michelins on a Model A and calling it state of the art.


@kuribo please enlighten us ignorant sods. Please explain the dynamics of harmonic suspension tuning.


Try Google. I don't have time to post a semester long class in dynamic systems. The point is you have no clue what you are doing and if it is genuinely affecting your system or all in your head.

@kuribo please enlighten us ignorant sods. Please explain the dynamics of harmonic suspension tuning.


Try Google. I don't have time to post a semester long class in dynamic systems. The point is you have no clue what you are doing and if it is genuinely affecting your system or all in your head.

So you are a freaking troll from that Facebook Hate Group.


So you are a freaking troll from that Facebook Hate Group.


Great comeback. It fails to address the issue at hand though, which is your ignorance of dynamic systems. It also has nothing to do with this LSA amp and it's poor implementation of the GaN tech.