LSA Voyager GAN Amplifier

Just got mine last week.  After 24 hours of play all I can say is that this is not your father's class D amplifier.  There is not one thing about its sound that reminds me of the class D gremlins that I do not like.  The low end filled in and now has deep impact, the midrange is the love child of a beautiful tube and clean hybrid amp - just gorgeous.  Highs are very clean and extended. Spatial cues are top notch. My system has had some damn good tube and solid state amps in it before and it has never sounded this good.  I am blown away with the quality of sound coming from class D amplification at this price point.

This 300 wpc amplifier is a real winner.....
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xjaymark

@jerryg123 Thanks, much appreciated, but no real need. When the Voyager and the GAN400 first hit the market, there was some scuttlebutt that the componentry inside the two units was essentially the same, but housed in very different cases. While having the same reservations as most about ASF, the photos they provided of the inside of the Voyager were interesting, and I was just curious whether (a) the scuttlebutt was true, and (b) there was a better layout inside the Peachtree.

Very interesting what you say about the new Bel Canto. Just curious, did you ever consider a Benchmark?

Hp 8903B Old but it does the job.

Clearly some ’tube guys’ do have analyzers on hand...

That old junker maxes out at -80dB THD+N. Useless for modern audio gear engineering. Especially for class D design work. No wonder you didn’t know Johnson noise existed. With my analyzer cheap dummy loads have a -92dB noise floor. But your analyzer wouldn’t even pick that up.

Come over to my place with a bottle of Whiskey Ric. I can show you how an audio analyzer can be used to make better sounding gear. Most industry standard measurements are useless for anything but marketing purposes though. And the tin ears over on ASR will be the first to mislead you on what to measure for. 

Hp 8903B Old but it does the job.

Clearly some ’tube guys’ do have analyzers on hand...

That old junker maxes out at -80dB THD+N. Useless for modern audio gear engineering. Especially for class D design work. No wonder you didn’t know Johnson noise existed. With my analyzer cheap dummy loads have a -92dB noise floor. But your analyzer wouldn’t even pick that up.

So it looks like apmliferdude/Mike is back.


@twoleftears Yes sir I have and will probably at some point acquire the Benchmark unit it is an A/H unit. I keep looking for a used one in the $2K range.