Interesting information from Analog Planet on Stylus Cleaner Onzow Zero Dust.

Here is the link, judge for yourself. 
No residue on my stylus but I binned my onzow anyway 



@vinylshadow @jpjones3318 posted this.

I use a method that was approved by Peter Lederman, or so I was told. Blue Tak, I put it on an old credit card and simply lower the stylus onto it. Then every few plays I use the MoFi LP9.My Onzow was too high to fit the cart onto. Hope this helps, respect.

@jerryg123 ya man, strange how it took Japan Inc to relearn us our own tools. I actually prefer fishbone diagram. My team knew to show up without one was perilous… eventually they marked my parking spot with…..a fishbone….

My Lyra dealer sold me the Stylast, he moves a lot of both….for now i feel safe…



Those pictures are pretty meaningless without some context. First of all, was this after 1 cleaning? 10? 1500? Were there other substances used in addition to the Onzow? How clean is the area around the turntable? Lots of other factors could be at play, but if Mikie says it's bad, by all means stop immediately. 😐