Still waiting for your recommendations.
You'll be waiting a long time. I believe everyone has their own personal taste so rather than tell people what good sound should be I prefer to let people find their own way.
LSA Voyager GAN Amplifier
This may not be the most out there thing I have heard in 30+ years in audio, but it ranks right up there, and certainly the top of the last year. It is probably just better to admit you are not an expert on what measurements can be made and what they can tell us. I will let Bruno know next time I see him that you want to teach him how to design amp properly. I am sure he will welcome the input.
Good articles here. Components don’t need to be active to add noise and distortion. Resistors cause Johnson noise:
Metal core inductors cause hysteresis distortion:
If you test an amplifier using these dummy loads: The Johnson noise, as well as nasty distortion drowns out everything at -92dB THD+N. You need a bank of premium metal foil resistors. I use a bank of these: And can measure up to -116dB THD+N with them. But most passive crossover use garbage like these: