Dynaudio c1 vs dynaudio c4

I have a dynaudio c1 confidence the c4 is better?, my room hace 3,5 x 6 mts, mcintosh 601 amplifiers and ayon cd5s cdplayer
I recently upgraded from the C2's to the C4's and can say although they are certainly a step up from the C2's, the C2's have an openness and sweetness that i have only heard from the c4's on occasions. I’m hoping that the c4's just need a few more hours on them and I’m working on some room treatments to help. They do need to be well away from the back wall so I would tend to agree with jkuc, 3.5x6m is way too small for C4's.
My C-4 signatures sounded awful till they ran in awhile, and I do mean strange and awful. Beaming midrange and just plain weird. Not so after many, many hours. It seem high-end drivers just aren't themselves till you run them in awhile. I'd wait awhile before I decided the speaker sound like "this" or "that".

My room is pretty large; 39 feet long, 13 feet wide and with a 9 foot ceiling. The C4's sit in the "long section" of an L-shaped room. The left speaker is open to the "L", the right speaker is to a wall. I set the speakers 4 feet from the back wall, and three feet from the right side wall. The left speaker is, as I said, open to the "L".

These speakers have crazy good detail and debth of the imaging field between, and behind, the speakers. Sonic placement is pint-point stable and open with the right pre-amp. The XP-10 I use is very good at detail. My RLD-1 platinum gives away some of that open and deep presentation for a super smooth almost tube-like presentation. The sound stage is more forward, the imaging is larger but with less detail and a shallower front to back debth. Still, the sound is addictive. For a SS unit, the RDL-1 is a very nice and smooth sounding pre-amp.

That the C4's can sound so different on each preamp says in-home listening will be required to select the right speakers / electronics at this level.

I have two modestly capable pre-amps and amazingly good ODYSSEY KISMET mono amps. So, I'm in a listen and decide mode on my final amp and pre-amp.