sometimes, it takes a long time for proofs and data for a given noted phenomena to come along to ’scientifically’ explain it. this does not mean the thing was wrong or it was a bunch of hooey from charlatans. Especially when the hearing of the phenomena is consistent, across years and years of anecdotal observation and experimentation.
incompetence in the sciences is sometimes (even... many times) expressed in the realm of negative proofing. where if the proofs don't appear now or easily, then the science backs out of the observation and calls the observation bunk.
When, in reality, in science 'observation is king'. It's the place where science starts, it starts with the observation. it is not the aim of science to debunk observation, it is the job of good science to flesh out some theories, testable ones, in the face of consistent observation.
the weaker mind, the less capable mind (the peter principle alive and well in the sciences).. falls back on negative proofing, book learning and not much else. To use the texts of known things to debunk the new observation. Which is fine, if handled correctly.. but that cannot work in the face of new observed unknowns that are persistent. Debunking persistent observations via text learning is not science, via outright dismissal of the observation -is the enforcement of dogma. There are important lessons here.