Chirp in speak

I think I got cricket in Wilson my Alexx. I have set Alexx in pool house and I out there try to listen while wife and sister swim and I hear cricket in speaker. Maybe get in through port but it not driver and still chirp when no power to speak. I love listen critical but chirp no go. I try put on gangster rap and pop to try shake it death but cricket tough little bugger. Any idea no shop vac and rather not take apart. Any music cricket no like? Even try Adele and still stay.


Calm down, miller.

It happens to many of us.

Totally innocent posts disappear occasionally. I saw what you posted and there was absolutely nothing wrong with it. Put it up again, I bet it will stay.

"...and the innocent will fall as do the mighty..."

"Life...brain the size of a planet, and they have me opening doors....*metallic sigh*.."
Marvin the 'bot, HHGTTG, BBC series...

Life is Not Fair, just an affair; ones' involvement will vary.

...pardon while I go screen my crickets here as well...;)

  • "Create a natural cricket bait by adding a few spoons of molasses in a shallow bowl, then fill the bowl up about halfway with water. Place the bowl in an area where crickets are a problem. The crickets will be attracted by the sweet odor and jump into the bowl where they will drown".-Courtesy of Home Depot


....and, to 'improve the mood', a nice rose', candlelight, and softly play 'night music' from outdoors....

'Dinner and movie' don't cut it with crickets, Cratchit...'


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