wilson audio watt/puppy 8 vs martin logan clx

Was debating on picking up a set of ones of these speakers. Probably oairing them up to McIntosh equipment. Listen to modern music on cds and digital media. Have heard clx in person and love them, but havent heard the w/p.
With Wilson WP8s, i love the MBL...but bloody expensive. It was my fav amp with them. Some like ARC, though i prefer more taught bass. Gryphon, Vitus, older Krell but wont have same treble refinement. Some might say dartzeel...not sure its got the juice, but it should.

Devialet dual-mono. Pass Labs.
How big is your room? WP8 in a small room is too much, while CLXs can do the businsess amazingly despite being larger and needing more space behind.

I have Sophia 2's in a relatively small room, and used to own summits. The Wilson's are the better allrounders, but in many ways I preferred the MLs. In fact, so uch so that I'd like to move back to Summits with a Descent i sub.

CLXs truly sound amazin, but I wish they looked better!

I have heard the CLXs with their Descent subs...stunning. good luck and enjoy!