Do speaker wires have to be the same length for each speaker?

Hi, Help, Do speaker wires have to be the same length for each speaker, R & L?


Ohm's Law is a handy tool. Learn a little about basic electricity. People who would pay over $50 for 20' of speaker wire are buying a fashon designers idea or a name that says I'm buying the best because it has "your name here" on it. My system sounds real good. Blows out candels and will flap pant legs and I could have spent a lot more money if I wouldn't have gone to school to learn about electronics. When it comes to high end audio, most of the time I think you can buy better but you can't pay more...


If you don’t have a high resolving system I doubt anyone would notice a difference. If you do splice the wires together look up how to do it correctly. Lastly if you want to get into some better quality cables especially if the lengths don’t matter keep your eyes open for singles. They are typically sold for a high end home theater center channel speaker. The discounts are insane on the used market and if you stick to popular companies you can find two different people selling the same cable model and brand. Also, look at discontinued models from these manufacturers. They really lose value fast. I hope this helps. This store in the Chicagoland area is holding an Ayre Acoustics, Nordost, and Kef event today Thursday, Dec 2nd from 11:00am-9:00pm.

Probably not as good as Chuxpona, but I am pretty far from Seattle  maybe someday.

I heard they are giving special discounts for the show. Plus, since Axpona was canceled it’s cool to see some of the cool new stuff. I’m excited about that and the new Acoustic Signature Turntable. A friend said it sound incredible!

Yes! And coiling the extra cable is NOT audible, don't care what anyone says. In fact, instead of coiling , you can fold it over onto itself and use ty wraps. If using a different length for each channel,  the resistance, inductance, and capacitance will differ for each channel. Why not eliminate that by using same length?