How to set up Velodyne dd15

I have a velodyne DD15. I set it up using the auto correction setup. Now i amm reading this isn't the best way to set it up, leading to poor 2ch results.
What is the best way to set it up for music? I don't have a RTA. I do have the Rives test cd and Radio Shack meter if that helps in setup. Thanks.
If the DD outputs it's response to video like the SMS-1, adjust for flat response and tweak by ear from there. The huge problem with auto-set is that it doesn't utilize the parametric capabilities of the software.

Thanks guys. I connect the dd15 with a set of seperate speaker cables from the amp.
I am not using the dd15 to crossover my main speakers. I run them full range. {Living Voice IBXR's}

I ran the auto setup and it has a "hilly" response curve.It does connect to a monitor.. I can take a pic of it tomorrow if it would help.So after you run the auto correct, is what is left considered flat response?

What would you calll "big dips or bumps"? I have read it is best not to boost base volumes, only cut them.
Street Daddy,

personally, i would try to keep the whole frequency response within 3db across the that is a good goal. then, i tend to like the bass at the slightly higher end of that range below 45hz.

As for the auto setup...i would then start doing two things while playing bass tracks on infinite repeat...

1. play with moving the hz markers to different frequencies to boost/lower the bass

2. move the cut off on the 2nd page of setups...lower and raise it...also look at what volume you are playing at...1 notch on volume is typically the difference between too full and just right.

3. Beyond that, you can play with phasing and other slightly more complicated things.

for test tracks, i would use two...electronic deep house bass that is percusive and you will see how tight you can get it and how powerful without reverbing thru the room like crazy.

then i would use guitar...Amos make sure your sub is not bleeding into the rest of your music.
So, are you saying run the auto setup and pull everything back to within +3/-3 of 0?

You cut off the base at 45hz? I only tried it at 80hz, will have to try it that low.

I usually kept the volume low, around 5 or so. Otherwise it gets overpowering. Maybe if i cut it off lower it can go up in volume?
Hi Streetdaddy,

What i am saying is that after the auto-set up you may find that the graph is still not flat...and you can then manually adjust it to be flatter.

Additionally, on the cut TOTALLY depends on your speakers. Since you are running your speakers full-range and NOT using the crossover, you only have to worry about how high your velodyne is playing...and that will depend on how strong the bass performance of your main speakers is.