The reason the circuit is duplicated, (4 chips vs. 2 chips, etc...) is driven by the need to produce the inverse for common mode noise rejection. That extra chip does not increase resolution, etc...
While that may be true in this device, where the noise is so high that nothing will fix it, using two DACs in a balanced configuration will often result in an improvement in THD+N/SNR as non-linearity is averaged between the two chips.
I think you need to explain more about the transformer you mention. I assume you mean an external transformer based single ended to balanced converter?
Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that balanced will sound better. It all comes down to the implementation as you have noted, and it takes more components and it is harder to do properly than a single ended connection. You are pretty much always guaranteed to get better noise/emi rejection, but I would be cautious about that blanket statement w.r.t. distortion.