Where do you go after a Dynaudio C1 ?

I have been scouting for a pair of speakers to replace my Dynaudio C1, which after many years of enjoyment I now find voiced to relaxed for my taste. I am looking for speakers that comes as close as possible to the raw sound and timbre of voices and instruments with minimal house coloration, speakers that energize a room to give an electrifying feel of presence, speakers that convey both refined subtlety and explosive dynamics with effortlessness. This have to be smallish, either a standmount or small footprint floorstander, must work in condo-type living room, and synergize with high power rowland amp I use.

Two speakers I have listened to and consider top candidates are the Magico V2 and Focal Utopia Diablo. These seem to possess the attributes I seek. Given my parameters, what other speakers do you think I should consider? Buying new with budget $15,000 max, less the better. Please note purchase will be in the Philippines, where most small specialty brands are not available.
The ATC SCM7 is a sealed box design and doesn't go really low in the bass when compared to the Confidence C1 apart from not being able to play as loud. The response of the SCM7 is rather flat too being a studio monitor. Personally I feel the C1s give a more electrifying feel than the SCM7s which sound a bit thin and lean in comparison.

Personally I feel the C1 is quite perfect in reproducing the raw sound and timbre of voices and instruments with its squeaky clean character. Overall a neutral speaker which is a good all-rounder. Other speakers will offer a different but not necessarily better sound.
SCM7 is a very small speaker, costing $1k new. Comparing it to the C1 ($7k) may not be a good idea. Listen to an SCM40 ($4k) and then compare it to a C1 in whatever parameters you would like to.

I suggested the SCM11 approach only to get an idea about what an ATC sounds like.
I went to Zus from C1s. And Definition4s to be exact.

Ultimately I wanted a more efficient speaker that was more dynamic and real, but without a harsh/metal tweeter top end.
one more thing- I chose Definitions over Magico V3s. Both are very good speakers.
I may have misrepresented my view on the Dynaudio C1. I think it is one heck of a killer reference speaker, within the limits of its design and voicing, and with the right electronics. It does so many types of music so well, that for an all-around speaker in its price range it is hard to top, and believe me I have heard quite a bit of speakers over the 7 years I have used this and did not make me think of jumping ship. It's just that at this point I would like to try a different direction.

The ATC suggestion won't work, as I am overseas, and I rather not mess with shipping boxes of speakers just to hear what a line of speakers sound like.