The Big Misconception About Electricity

This vid goes quite a ways down the road to explaining why:

1)  Power cords make a not so subtle difference.

2) Cable elevators should not be looked at askance.


Regards, barts


@djones51  No, you are going from point A to Point B, on rockets and computer chips built on the works of Tesla. (He is the father of electricity after all)

If you got there in a craft that used a black hole as a propellent...You would have a point. (or dark matter, or fairy pixie dust)

If you couldn’t imagine life without your TV remote, thank Nikola Tesla for making it possible. Tesla invented, predicted or contributed to development of hundreds of technologies that play big parts in our daily lives -- like the remote control, neon and fluorescent lights, wireless transmission, computers, smartphones, laser beams, x-rays, robotics and, of course, alternating current, the basis of our present-day electrical system.

Uh, those rockets and computers are using mathematics of the gravitational model to get there, we don't just send a spacecraft into space without a guidance system.  Without Newton's laws there's no way other then the point and guess method. 

Because an apple falls from a tree, gasses in a vacuum collapse into a black hole. I know, how could I forget..... I am sure if Newton was here today, and he saw you guys talking about Black Holes etc etc, he would smash his own head into a wall.


As for what you are saying.....I am not discounting Gravity..."Uh"....I am saying Black Holes don’t exist. Two very different things...

And I am not saying computers don’t work to plot courses in space, "Uh", I am saying they do not work to recreate infinitely complex systems at Planetary or Galactic levels.

I am teaching you a free class in Logic 101, so please check your huffing and puffing at the door. I should be charging you money for this.


I think you flunked your own logic class.  Computers plot the course using mathematics of the gravitational model. The working model we have of the universe not some idiotic electric nonsense. GPS works based on the same gravitational model  not  Electric Universe pseudo science.