pweay we distribute quality dedicated servers, they far outperform a nuc.or a pc.
our servers run Roon and sound amazing.
with digital it is all about implimentation.
roon’s design has nothing to do with this "essentially a software attempt at making computer equipment perform high quality audio tasks, "
roon does nothing to eliminates a computers issues a device can just host the software.
the issue with a pc is emi and rfi and data pollution.
our 432 Evo servers totally isolate the audio data
we have a seperate low noise cpu board which runs a customized operating system
we have a seperate high quality clock board
we also have a very high quality usb board
even the linear power supplies are seperate and isolate the cpu, clock and usb sound cards
Dave and troy Audio intellect nj
US. importer 432 Evo music servers
in our servers all data is completely isolated so you can hear roon perform optimally