Bel canto DAC 2

I just got a Bel Canto DAC 2 and maybe I should've done more research on this. It looks as though you feed this a 16/44 signal and it "upsamples" this to 24/192. However, what if I'm feeding it 24/48, will it upsample that as well? Or for that matter, can I even feed this anything other than 16/44? Sure hope I can. Once I get the rest of my gear I'll be able to experiment with this. Thanks for any insight.

the DAC2 user manual/guide is available here:

I have a gut feeling that you can feed it a 24/96 signal, say, from a Monarchy 24/96 DIP unit & it will accept that signal just fine.
I've not personally tried feeding it a DVD-A 24/96 signal so I cannot say for sure w.r.t. this.
I just hooked up my Bel Canto PL-2 (digi-out) into the DAC 2 and I'm getting the red light, meaning it's not reading the digital signal. No problems with 16bit - green lights all the time. The 24 bit disc is in dvd-a format. Reads and plays fine through the RCA analog outs, just not through the digital out on the PL-2. Shouldn't be any copyrights or anything as I burned this myself. So perhaps the DAC 2 cannot accept a 24bit signal? Hard to tell just by reading the manual. But it says it can play 24/96 DAD recordings. Is this different than DVD-audio? My dvd-audio disc is 24/48.