Bully pulpits

It’s pathetic that so many alleged audiophiles use a hobbyist site like Audiogon as a bully pulpit to express political or conspiracy opinions. Thank you for spoiling so much of what an enjoyable hobby forum used to be. 



Jussie Smollet?

Haha, that's too funny! Yeah, he is really an embarrassment.


yep - "Let's go Brandon!"


not sure about the past, but it sure has flipped - whatever you want to call them, democrats, liberals, socialists, communists, cancel culture, technology elitists, etc. are the ones stomping out / censoring free speech, thought, and an exchange of ideas.

I thought that democrats were the ones that protected free thought and were against "the man." Now they (the democrats) are "the man" and try to shutdown any thought that does not align with theirs.

LoL! I am still laughing. EBM thanks 🙏

EBM said…

‘Very sad lets all CRY!!’

jond, Controls is an end-all word. HAARP electromagnetic waves stimulate geophysical changes that can modify the weather as in earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes and such. It HAS been shown. Also I hate to burst that bubble you live in, but more and more are waking up to the complete hoax that is NASA. Wise-up wise guy. 😄

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