I used the SQ3 and thought the sound quaility was not as good as an inexpensive 20 year old Sony multi-disk CD player, we used the analog outs only. I would be interested in any that have tried a seperate DAC and what their impressions are. The other negative of the Squezzebox is the interface, just doesn't suit me. I saw the Sonus at RMAS and liked it's interface and controler a lot more than the SQ, but it costs quite a bit more also. I was able to do a direct, well almost, comparison between CD and Sonus, the CD won. The Sonus guy was sitting next to me with the local dealer. The dealer is going to set the Sonus up to a DAC and we are going to do a direct comparison CD vs Sonus. I really hope it works, I want this technology, but will not give up sound quality.
Doug Clary
Pleade note, Slim Devices stood behind their trial period and refunded my money promptly after returning the SQ3, nice to do business with a good company!
Doug Clary
Pleade note, Slim Devices stood behind their trial period and refunded my money promptly after returning the SQ3, nice to do business with a good company!